WaveDriver Bipotentiostat Cell Cable

SKU: ACP3E01 Category: Tags: ,

This general purpose cell cable is for use with any WaveDriver Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat system.  Pine Research offers truly integrated dual-channel bipotentiostats, and this cable provides quick-and-easy connections to one or two working electrodes located in the same electrochemical cell.  The cable breaks out the seven main electrode connections from the potentiostat cell connector as follows:

  • RED – primary working electrode (drive)
  • ORANGE – primary working electrode (sense)
  • BLUE – secondary working electrode (drive)
  • VIOLET – secondary working electrode (sense)
  • GREEN – counter electrode (drive)
  • WHITE – reference electrode (sense)
  • GRAY – instrument chassis (ground)

The six electrode lines are shielded coaxial cables. All seven lines terminate at standard banana plugs. A set of alligator clips that can slide onto the banana plugs is also included.


For typical three-electrode cell usage, the primary working electrode line (RED) is shorted with the primary working electrode sense line (ORANGE) and then these are connected to the working electrode.

When using the bipotentiostat to control two working electrodes in the same cell (such as during a rotating ring-disk voltammetry experiment), the primary working electrode line (RED) is shorted with the primary working electrode sense line (ORANGE),and then these are connected to the first working electrode (i.e., the disk). The secondary working electrode line (BLUE) is shorted with the secondary working electrode sense line (VIOLET), and then these are connected to the second working electrode (i.e., the ring).